Saturday, January 24, 2015

Happy Saturday

Target is like a a casino, you lose track of time and money. I can never run in and out of target. Today Brooklyn and I went to target for a birthday present....needless to say we came out with way more than we went in for and we were late to the birthday party. A little boy in Brooklyn's class turned four during the week and he had an Acrobatic Academy birthday party today. The kiddos in room 7 had a blast running, jumping, climbing and playing in the foam pit room.
                                                               Swinging into the foam pit.
 Brooklyn and two of her friends ran down the trampoline and jumped into the pit. Brooklyn got pulled in and face planted the foam cubes.
           The birthday theme was planes. Here bug is holding her blue and orange cupcake in a jar.
After the birthday party we had fun with our target findings. The dollar section got the better of my bank account and we bought some boards to practice writing numbers and letters. The boards were dry erase and frozen.... how could I say no to that?
                              Here is bug practicing numbers on the new target frozen board.
Needless to say we had a pretty fun Saturday. On another note.....I survived my first week of nursing school without throwing things, pulling my hair out or crying. So far I have loved every second of the program. My week was crazy busy between Brooklyn, work, babysitting, homework and class but so worth it. My agenda/planner is color coded and packed with information for school and home but it keeps me organized and going. Coffee is one of those things you either like or don't like and over the last year or so I have been teaching myself to like it because it keeps me awake for class. This picture explains my current relationship  with my morning coffee. 
If only I could find a mug that big. It is a good thing I am a morning person or else my classmates and coworkers would be in for a real treat because my schedule has me getting up at 5 something and not getting home until after 6 everyday.I cannot wait to see what this semester holds for me. Between juggling bug, work and school my social life is very limited but it makes the little bit of social life I do have that much better. 

"You are better than you believe, Stronger than you seem, and Smarter than you think." 

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