Sunday, January 18, 2015


I have always wanted to create a blog about my beautiful daughter and our life. Being a single mom in school is not an easy task but we make the best of it. Since Brooklyn is four at the end of the month I thought my first blog post should be a flashback at her first three years of life. 

Brooklyn was born on January 31st 2011

 She was such a sweet, easy going baby. Here are some more pictures of her first year.

 Brooklyn's first birthday party was animal prints. She was very careful with her cake until we helped her dig into it. 

 Brooklyn's 2nd year of life was just as fun as the first minus the terrible two stage.

 For Halloween I made Brooklyn a peacock costume.

 For Brooklyn's 2nd birthday we celebrated with our family at our house with an owl theme. I made Bug's owl cake.

And finally the third year of Miss Brooklyn's life.

 For Brooklyn's 3rd Halloween I made her costume. She was a chicken.

 This year for our 4th Halloween Brooklyn was a flamingo. I made the costume.

Time flies when you are having fun and enjoying it. I cannot believe in two weeks my little bug will be 4 years old. She is stubborn, independent, beautiful, sweet and loving. She is becoming such a young lady. I have a girly girl on my hands and she loves playing with princesses.


  1. I love THIS! I just stumbled upon it over pinterest. You are such a good mom and I know you are working hard to give brooklyn the best future. Im so proud of you!! I miss you and brooklyn both!

    1. ahhh Heather I miss you too!! But thank you means a lot :)
